
by Financeiro Metasig



With the i-Mob app from Imoalert, your customers have the main information in the palm of their hand. See available resources:Lessee:- Second copy of the bank slip and the possibility of requesting an updated bank slip: now your tenant has their bank slip available full time, which can be downloaded without having to request it to the real estate agency. This will facilitate payment and help reduce defaults.- Contracts – option to request the vacancy of the property: via application, your tenant can request the vacancy of the property, in a simple and automated way.Owner:- Download the owners statement and also download the deposit slip: your owner customer always has at hand all the important information regarding the billing of your property, without having to keep asking your real estate agency. This increases its credibility, with modernity and transparency in the process.General- Service: your customer (tenant and owner) can make requests for repairs or other needs and follow up on their routing via the application, with autonomy and agility, without having to call or go to the real estate agency.- Profile: your customers can update the main information in their registration through the app.